Don't leave your success in business & life to chance.
 Schedule your discovery call now. 
I worked crazy hours last week, but didn't get anything done....
Raise your hand if this sounds familiar.

This is the single most common phrase I hear from my clients and my personal friends. Don't worry, you are not alone. 

The good news is... It doesn't have to be like that anymore. Things can change, and it can start today.... right now.

Keep reading and I will explain....
Did you work crazy hours last week, yet didn't get 'anything' done?
It doesn't have to be like that anymore

If you want to make every day count.

If you want more time off.

If you don't want to stress over endless tasks...

...while still not making enough income to support your dreams
Executive Accountability Coaching might be for you.
If you are having challenges with -

→ Getting to the goals you intended to hit
→ Escaping the firefighting mode you are in
→ Making bigger moves faster within your company

It's likely because you haven't "had the time" to be very clear and intentional on what your intentions are and understand the roadmap to reaching them. 

This is equally true with all of your staff as well.

As an entrepreneur I have built 10 companies (4 exits), having been through the roller coaster of business time and time again. 

All while also being a father, leader, and executive. Life doesn't stop at the office and one carries over to the other.

I have struggled with the same things that you are currently. 

That is, until I figured out the strategies, routines, and habits to being clear and consistent week over week.

This resulted in me smashing through my goals and getting things done day in and day out over the last 10 years of my career.

Since 2017, I have coached 100's of founders, CEO's, entrepreneurs, and executives 
get very clear on where they are going in their life and in their business.

Now I'm going to help you do the same...

If you have built a revenue generating business or are an executive at one, and are ready to invest the time and resources--

We will work together to get you clear on 3 key things:

→ Where you are (your snapshot)
→ What you are working towards (your vision)
How you are going to get there (your roadmap).

Then the accountability comes in. 

I will make sure you are focused on the right things each week, and that as much of your time working is intentional and pushes towards your actual goals for the business and for your life.

We will also root out the main causes of why you are not being consistent and work to incrementally improve until you are in peak state every day.

This process can be intense and intended for individuals ready to commit to the process, be open and ready to change, and put the work in. 

This is not a program where I stand over your shoulder to check a box. I am not your new supervisor.
Ready to scrap all the excuses and get productive
Here is what you can expect from this program:
  • Confidentiality: Your life is your private data. The first thing we will discuss is 100% confidentiality between you and I.
  • ​Clarity: We are going to make sure you are very clear on what your vision is for your business, your life, and how you are going to get there.
  • Weekly (or Bi-weekly) 1:1 Calls: Each week we are going to get on a call and discuss your prior week's performance. We are going to deconstruct any challenges and rebuild them incrementally. 
  • Precise Goal Setting: Over the first few weeks, I am going to train you to set goals correctly and guide you to choose the most impactful targets.
  • Weekly Journal (Evernote): You will maintain a structured weekly journal of week overviews and goals in Evernote that is shared directly to me.
  • Quarterly or Semi-Annual Evaluations: On a schedule we are going to make sure your goals and your weekly work aligns with your future vision.
  • 1:1 Support: The most coveted benefit of all, having someone there to support your journey on this lonely path.
  • Fun Stuff: Don't think this is just boring paperwork, we are going to have fun as well. Your journey isn't just work, it's an adventure.
Here is what you need to invest:
Physically: You need a consistent 45m each week (or bi-weekly) to get on a call.

Mentally: You need an open mind and be ready to evolve and adapt to new thinking.

Emotionally: You need to bring your walls down and be transparent with me each week.

Resources: You need to invest the money to be fully bought in to get new results.

 Schedule your discovery call now. 
Here is what a few of my clients have to say...
"Having Chris as an accountability partner has been very beneficial to my business and personal life. As an entrepreneur it's critical to have someone keeping you moving forward every week...

I consider this one of the most valuable connections I have made in my career."
Bobby Casey
Managing Partner
Global Wealth Protection &
"I have worked with Chris twice now... Both times I needed that extra push and someone to echo back what was actually going on in the business...

Chris helped get my head straight on managing my reps (I have 45+ reps and employees), not being as much as a friend and being more of a boss/mentor, helped get my content strategy going with a good connection for daily reels, get my focus more on recruiting, moving the needle on big things..."
Taylor Nelson
Founder & CEO
 Direct Solar
"Chris has helped me find the inner discipline to change my life. 

I have changed my habits, multiplied my business four times over and created a more fulfilling life. Chris could charge me 10x for his service and I would still find it immensely valuable."
Mark Nelson
Founder & CEO
"...Huge thank you and shoutout to my trusted executive coach & advisor Chris Waldron.

Nearly 4 years later, he's helped me through many tumultuous periods, given me rock solid advice based on his own experience running companies, and is always there when I'm in deep or need clarity... "
Nick Seavert
Founder & CEO
"I had been struggling with burn-out and not getting critical things done every week. 

Now I make sure that I am setting clear goals and working towards them and it has helped me push forward at a fast pace. Highly recommended"
Winson Tam
"I just want to give a shout out to Chris to thank him for the help he’s given me over the past 6 months or so through his accountability program. It has really been huge for me..."

"...He’s someone at a higher level. More experience, better mindset, different (and better) strategies and systems, etc."
David Gilbert
Managing Partner
Hood Rover Investments, LLC
What Are You Waiting For?
Everything in life can change with a simple empowered decision....
I only have a limited number of spots open.

If those are filled, I will add you to the wait list and provide as many resources as possible until your future spot opens back up.
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